Friday, March 6, 2009

Here's to Life

So for the past two weks Mike Morris, Billy Reano, Tommy Currit and myself have been clocking in countless all night hours to creating the most amazing TV commercials for the Utah Tap Project. I have blogged about this before but in a nut shell the Tap Project is a campaign put on by UNICEF that asks patrons at participating restaurants to donate a dollar for the tap water they would normally get for free. 100% of the proceeds go to providing water for third world countries and saving thousands of children's lives. Of all the things I have ever been apart of I feel most proud and satisfied with these spots. Congrats to everyone who was apart of this. Mike your skills are inspiring and I love you. We have seen this all the way through and I think its something we can all be so proud of. Here's to your guys. p.s. Shout out to Logan Tanner for the amazing copy in all the spots. He is the man


Unknown said...

SUPERB!!! thanks for the post.

Logan Tanner said...

Dude, I absolutely cannot stop watching these. I keep sending links to my family over and over. They are so good. Being involved even in the smallest of ways with these commercials was the most rewarding thing I have done in a long time. They look absolutely amazing. I just love them and am so proud of all the hard work you guys put into them [dabbing tears away from corner of eye]'s to you guys!

Kylie Whiting said...


Aubrey Messick said...

You really are a brat! You know that!!! I didn't realize I never commented. So suck it up you big baby. I LOVE your work and find it wildly impressive!!! PS- I love you Christopher. I do!

Elise said...

I'm stoked about all this. Oh and my favorite is the coins twirling. That's fun.

Kim Messick said...

Those were really awesome Chris...Love them all!

Jennifer said...

Sooooo GOOD! You are a truly talented guy. COngrats to you. These commercials on air? AWESOME! You are like famous! Good thing I am related and can get an autograph any time I want! Love yOU!

V said...

these are really beautifully done. great job! i am glad that there has been so much publicity about the project too, i saw it in the ny times!

Michelle Michel said...

This is Michael-That is awesome. I'm glad to see that you have a specific professional skill. That really helps to market yourself to companies. Not everyone developes specific skills in college and are forced to find jobs that don't need training, therefore don't pay. Proud of you bud:)

Michelle Michel said...
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Brenda Chela said...

These are amazing. you guys did a great job!